28 February, 2024
Antwerp to play Rainbow in semifinal
With the 2023-2024 Dimboola District Tennis Association season coming to an end, we saw some competitive, pre final play on the weekend. We thank all teams for helping out when teams fall short to ensure the season can continue to run.

Unfortunately, the match scheduled between Arkona and Jeparit on Friday night was
forfeited as Arkona was unable to field a side.
The weekend kicked off with Dimboola hosting Hopetoun on Saturday morning. Both
clubs played exceptionally well, with Hopetoun defeating Dimboola 3 sets, 43 games
to Dimboola 3 sets, 37 games. The men put up a fight, with a one game difference.
Dimboola took it home winning 3 sets, 44 games to Hopetoun 3 sets, 43 games.
Dimboola ladies wanted it more winning 4 sets, 40 games to Hopetoun ladies 2 sets,
31 games. The overall score was close with Dimboola winning 4 match points, 10
sets, 130 games to Hopetoun 1 match point, 8 sets, 117 games.
Next, Antwerp was to host Brim. Antwerp played consistently well throughout the day bringing home many great wins. Their mixed won 5 sets, 48 games to Brim 1 set, 21 games.
The men followed on the winning streak, with quite the front from Brim,
defeating Brim at 3 sets, 41 games to Brim 3 sets, 38 games. The ladies carried it
home with their final win for the day, 6 sets, 54 games to Brim 0 sets, 20 games. The
overall score was Antwerp 5 match points, 14 sets, 143 games to Brim 0 match
points, 4 sets, 79 games.
The last match for the weekend saw Warrack host Rainbow. The mixed showed competitive play throughout with the away team bringing home the win, 4 sets, 44 games to Warrack 1 set, 24 games. This continued as the men were neck and tie, with Rainbow dominating the ball, winning 3 sets, 35 games to Warrack 2 sets, 28
On the other hand, the Rainbow women came in firing and defeated their opponents, 5 sets, 45 games to Warrack 0 sets, 14 games. Some great tennis played. The overall score was Rainbow 5 match points, 12 sets, 124 games to Warrack 0 match points, 3 sets, 66 games.
On Saturday 2nd March we will see the 1st & 2nd semi-finals take place, with Rainbow
vs Antwerp and Hopetoun vs Brim. We’d like to wish all teams the very best for the
coming weekend.
Final Ladder: Rainbow: 48 - 129.92; Brim: 45 - 121.93; Hopetoun: 44.5 - 127.32; Antwerp: 43.5 - 117.47; Dimboola: 37 - 106.97; Warrack: 35.5 - 106.36; Jeparit: 14.5 - 56.15; Arkona: 12 - 56.11.
Dimboola v Hopetoun
Mixed: Benn Molineaux, Tolly Molineaux lost to Taylor Donnan, Jonti George 4-9; Ash Clugston, Isy Clugston lost to Mal McLean, Amanda Marshman 2-9; Breanna Eldridge, Isaac Eldridge d Declan Brown, Amanda Walker 9-4; Will Schilling, Jennie Hauselberger d Tristan Glare, Shelby Donnan; Lenny Eldridge, Billie Barber lost to Alex Kovoor, Vanessa Glare 4-9; Rob Barry, Lyla barry d Tim McCormick, Nicole McLean 9-6.
Men: B. Molineaux, W. Schilling lost to T. Donnan, M. McLean 4-9; I. Eldridge, L. Eldridge lost to t. Glare, A. Kovoor 8-0; B. Molineaux, A. Clugston d T. Donnan, D. Brown 9-7; I. Eldridge, R. Barry d T. Glare, T. McCormick 9-3; A. Clugston, W. Schilling lost to D. Brown, M. McLean 5-9; L. Eldrdige, R. Barry d A. Kovoor, T. McCormick 9-6.
Women: Y. Molineaux, J. Hauselberger d J. George, A. Walker 9-2; I. Clugston, B. Barber d S. Donnan, V. Glare 9-7; Y. Molineaux, B. Eldridge d J. George, A. Marshman 9-1; I. Clugston, L. Barry lost to S. Donnan, N. McLean 5-0; B. Eldridge, J. Hauselberger d A. Marshman, A. Walker 9-3; B. Barber, L. Barry lost to V. Glare, N. McLean 8-9.
Warrack v Rainbow
Mixed: Mitch Greenwood, Rikki Nitschke lost to Simon Clugston, Penny Fisher 7-9; Dan McKenzie, Jan Greenwood d Lucas Edelsten, Rowena Keller 9-8; Chris Kellett, Campbell Mansfield lost to Cooper Stasinowski, Stef Newton 1-9; Dan Hunter, Lachie Clyne lost to Lewis Cocks, Tracey Tragenza 3-9; Will Smith, Bianca Orr lost to Rhys Bohem, Maggie Fisher.
Men: M. Greenwood, C. Kellet lost to S. Clugston, C. Stasinowsky 1-9; D. Hunter, W. Smith lost to L. Cocks, R. Bohem 6-9; M. Greenwood, D. McKenzie d S. Clugston, L. Edelsten 9-5; C. Kellet, W. Smith lost to C. Stasinowsky, R. Bohem 3-9; D McKenzie, D. Hunter d L. Edelsten, L Cocks 9-3.
Women: R. Nitschke, C. Mansfield lost to P. Fisher, S. Martin 3-9; L. Clyne, B. Orr lost to T. Tragenza, M. Fisher 1-9; R. Nitschke, J. Greenwood lost to P. Fisher, R. Keller 5-9; C. Mansfield, B. Orr lost to S. Martin, M. Fisher 5-9; J. Greenwood, L. Clyne lost to R. Keller, T. Tragenza 0-9.
Antwerp v Brim
Mixed: Tim Jorgensen, Abbey. Greig lost to Simon. Bardell, Megan Watts 3-9; Daniel Greig, Tahlia Avery d Lachie Stewart, Zali Angel 9-2; Nathan Albrecht, Alicia Albrecht d Kyle George, Elysia Preston 9-5; Don Clark, Heather Jorgensen d John Goodwin, Jenna Angel 9-2; Shane Bond, Chloe Lehmann d Katy Bardell, Kathryn Bardell 9-3; Simon Albrecht, Ant Toet d Darlene Goodwin, Jemimah McPherson 9-0.
Men: T. Jorgensen, N. Albrecht lost to S. Bardell, K. George 5-9; D. Clark, S. Bond d J. Goodwin, K. Bardell 9-4; T. Jorgensen, D. Greig lost to S. Bardell, L. Stewart 2-9; D. Clark, S. Albrecht d J. Goodwin, D. Goodwin 9-1; D. Greig, N. Albrecht lost to L. Stewart, K. George 7-9; S. Bond, S. Albrecht d K. Bardell, G. Goodwin 9-6.
Women: A. Greig, T. Avery d M. Watts, E. Preston 9-4; C. Lehmann, H. Jorgensen d J. Angel, K. Bardell 9-2; A. Greig, A. Albrecht d M. Watts, Z. Angel 9-6; C. Lehmann, A. Toet d J. Angel, J. McPherson 9-4; A. Albrecht, T. Avery d Z. Angel, E. Preston 9-3; H. Jorgensen, A. Toet d K. Bardell, J. McPherson 9-1